Vũ Thành Tự Anh

Chủ nhiệm dự án

TS. Vũ Thành Tự Anh là Giám đốc, Giảng viên cao cấp của trường Chính sách Công và Quản lý Fulbright, chịu trách nhiệm điều phối các hoạt động nghiên cứu và phân tích chính sách của Trường. Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu chính của ông là kinh tế phát triển, tài chính công, ngoại thương, chính sách công nghiệp, và kinh tế học thể chế. Ông cũng giữ vai trò then chốt trong việc xây dựng và phát triển Chương trình Đào tạo Lãnh tạo cấp cao Việt Nam (VELP) hợp tác với Trường Havard Kennedy.

Thông tin

Bên cạnh các hoạt động ở Trường Fulbright, TS. Tự Anh còn là thành viên Nhóm chuyên gia kinh tế của Ủy ban Kinh tế của Quốc hội. Ông thường xuyên tham gia thảo luận các vấn đề chính sách kinh tế trên các phương tiện truyền thông ở Việt Nam.

Từ 2013 đến 2015, TS. Tự Anh đã được mời làm nghiên cứu tại những trường chính sách công hàng đầu thế giới như Blavatnik School of Government (Đại học Oxford) và Woodrow Wilson School (Đại học Princeton). Ông cũng là nhà nghiên cứu cao cấp tại Trường Kennedy, Đại học Harvard. TS. Vũ Thành Tự Anh nhận bằng Tiến sỹ Kinh tế tại Boston College, Hoa Kỳ.

Đề tài nghiên cứu hiện tại

With Trần Thị Quế Giang, “The Politics of Basel Implementation in Vietnam”, forthcoming in an edited volume titiled “Low Income Countries Navigating Global Banking Standards,” published by Oxford University Press.

With Dwight Perkins, “Economic growth in Vietnam: Sources of Growth since Doi Moi and Future Challenges,” Forthcoming in Vietnam: Economy, Society, and State in a Shifting Global Environment, edited by Dwight Perkins and Borje Ljunggren.

“Political Economy of the Private Sector Development in Vietnam since Doi Moi,” forthcoming in Handbook of Contemporary Vietnam edited by Jonathan London.
Improving Vietnam’s Quality of Growth for Sustainable Development.

Invigorating Fiscal Space and Incentivizing Fiscal Decentralization in Vietnam.

Thai Nguyen’s Competitiveness and the Role of Samsung in the Province’s Long-term Development

Ấn phẩm

“Does WTO Accession Help Domestic Reform? The Political Economy of SOE Reform Backsliding in Vietnam,” World Trade Review, Volume 16 (1), January 2017, pp. 85-109.

“The Political Economy of Industrial Development in Vietnam: Impact of State-Business Relationship on Industrial Performance, 1986-2012,” forthcoming in Page, John and Tarp, Finn (2017). The Practice of Industrial Policy, Oxford University Press.

“Vietnam: Decentralization amidst Fragmentation”, Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, Vol. 33 (2), August 2016, pp. 188-208.

“A Tale of Two Regions: Northeast Asia versus Southeast Asia,” The ASEAN-Canada Research Partnership, The RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies in Nanyang Technological University, 2015.

“WTO Accession and State-Owned Enterprise Reform in Vietnam.” Annual Macroeconomic Report. National Assembly’s Committee of Economic Affairs, 2014.

Co-author in the report titled “Pyramidal and cross ownership of financial institutions and corporations in Vietnam: An assessment and recommendations,” Framework paper prepared for the UNDP Project “Supporting the enhancement of consultation, appraisal and monitoring capacity of macroeconomic policies,” managed by the National Assembly’s Committee of Economic Affairs, 2013.

Co-author in the report of The Institute of Public Policy and The Central Institute of Economic Management titled “The Competitiveness of the Textile and Garment Industry in Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, and Dong Nai,” published by The Beyond WTO Center, Ho Chi Minh City, 2013.

With Dwight Perkins et al. “Unplugging Institutional Bottlenecks to Restore Growth.” The Policy Discussion Paper prepared for the Vietnam Executive Leadership Program, August 2013.

With Edward S. Steinfeld and Laura Chirot, “Private Sector Development: An Alternative Target for Industrial Policy in Vietnam?” World Bank/KDI Project on the Developmental State, 2012.

“Assessing the Sustainability of Vietnam’s Public Debt,” Vietnam National University (Hanoi) Publishing House, 2012.

Hội nghị

“Vietnam Economy in 2017 and Beyond,” presented at Vietnam Update, Autralian National University, November 20, 2017.

“The Politics of Basel Implementation in Vietnam,” (with Tran Thi Que Giang) presented at LICs Navigating Global Banking Standards, Blavatnik School of Government, June 7-8, 2017.

“Political Economy of the Private Sector Development in Vietnam since Doi Moi,” presented at Vietnam Forum 2016, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, National University of Singapore, April 7, 2016.

“The Political Economy of Industrial Development in Vietnam: Impact of State-Business Relationship on Industrial Performance (1986-2012),” presented at University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City, March 17, 2016.

“The Political Economy of Banking Regulation in Indochina and the Role of Global Banking Standards,” (with Tran Thi Que Giang) presented at Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, March 7-8, 2016.

“WTO and the Political Economy of State-owned Enterprise Reform in Vietnam,” presented at Southeast Asia Seminar Series, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, March 6, 2014.

“Political Economy of State-Firm Relationship in Contemporary Vietnam,” presented at Department of Political Science, University of Warwick, February 2014.

“Economic Reform in China and Vietnam: Does Accession to International Trade Agreements Help or Hinder?” panel discussion organized by the Global Economic Governance Program, University College Oxford, October 18, 2013.

“Private Sector Development: An Alternative Target for Industrial Policy in Vietnam?” presented in the conference co-organized by Industrial Co-Development (INCODE) and Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, September 24-25, 2012.

“Assessing the Sustainability of Vietnam’s Public Debt,” presented at a conference held by The Vietnam National University, Hanoi, September 11, 2012.

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